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1985年生,宜蘭人。紅樓詩社出身,臺灣大學新聞研究所碩士。現於資本市場討生活,頭不頂天,腳不著地,所以寫字。   曾獲文學獎若干。著有現代詩集《青春期》,《嬰兒宇宙》,《偽博物誌》,《我只能死一次而已,像那天》,《嬰兒涉過淺塘》;散文集《樂園輿圖》、《棄子圍城》、《天黑的日子你是爐火》、《阿姨們》。作品多次選入年度散文選、年度臺灣詩選,以及《七年級新詩金典》、《港澳台八十後詩人選集》等選本。   Contact email:

Oct 18, 2005



oh baby I would like to wake up, and make love

make love to you if i had you. I would touch you so much

but I'm not allowed to do. you know me so thoroughly that

what I hate is to wait, but in this case I'm patient.

I'm waiting, longing, loving you so

I'm discreet, I'm not weak, I just need the moment

Demon says secretly next to me,

"He wants me, he wants me not

I want everything he's got"

On one hand, or, the other hand, we are friends

but still my mind wanders if it is so.

Through side streets and alleys, I just keep growing fonder

oh babe, to stop me is not easy, just like you can't stop a lion from hunting

I'm focused, I won't miss, there's no control of some things

When I lose control may I kiss you

oh would you pretend that we're just friends?

If I leaned over and tried to kiss you--

after so long to kiss you hey babe, would I be wrong?

Would you pretend that we're only friends if I kissed you?

If I'd kissed you, oh at least I can dream of you

in a scene, when I'd kiss you

I'd kiss you because I miss you.

so much.


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